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It was around 10:30 am when our ambassadorial white sedan entered the Turkish embassy at 22 Prithviraj Road. My partner-in-crime was Muhamed Cengic, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian ambassador to India. He was wearing a sky blue kurta and had invited me to the Turkish breakfast event.
It was around 10:30 am when our ambassadorial white sedan entered the Turkish embassy at 22 Prithviraj Road. My partner-in-crime was Muhamed Cengic, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian ambassador to India. He was wearing a sky blue kurta and had invited me to the Turkish breakfast event.
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(JTA) — The hardest part, Andrée Geulen said, was not hiding from the Nazis, or even confronting them; it was separating Jewish children from their parents.
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