by Alex Billington September 30, 2022 Source: YouTube
"They're gonna take one of us away." Hulu has revealed an official trailer for their new offering of horror shorts out this season. Bite Size Halloween: Season 3 launches on October 1st available on Hulu, with a whopping twenty
The platform announced it’ll share revenue with makers of short-form videos. It wouldn’t tell us what portion of ad revenue is up for grabs.
In 2007, YouTube made a decision that created a career out of what was previously just a hobby: the company announced it would give over half o
Over 80 stay-at-home dads gathered in Phoenix for Home Dad Con to offer each other support and service.
Do you feel a little bit of magic in the air? Mixed up with a few really terrible dad jokes? It might be because this weekend over 80 stay-at-home dads from around the country are poo
A HOOTERS server has shared her life-saving pouch hack that she says can work for all big booty women in the service industry.
The woman shared her simple fashion hack on TikTok, showing how it stops her pouch from sliding down due to her big butt and small waist.
Working in the
When ordering food delivery, screw-ups happen on a relatively routine basis. The mistake usually amounts to a missing ingredient or menu item, nothing that can’t be quickly rectified by the restaurant. But Reddit user TheCrick alleges that when his Taco Bell order arrived last night via Doo
Plenty of sunshine. High 71F. Winds NNE at 10 to 20 mph..
Clear skies. Low 46F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph.
Only months before his death in November 1938, Charles Livingston proudly posed for this portrait on the Kankakee County Courthouse lawn. The
Construction of a tent facility to help temporarily house the recent influx of asylum-seekers is underway in the Bronx's Orchard Beach. ED JONES/AFP via Getty Images
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C ustomer paid for young boy’s haircut in a Sligo barber after hearing he was undergoing treatment for cancer
One of my earliest childhood memories involves getting a haircut -- a real haircut, by someone other than a family member.
The little community where I grew up in rural Montgomery County during the 1950s did not have an actual barber shop, but one of the three local store owners would cu